Selasa, 08 April 2008

The Great Demak Mosque

It was great that Demak became the living monument of the Islam spreading in the Indonesian Archipelago. Walisanga as the disseminator of the Islam teaching together the Muslim community at that point shoulder to shoulder built the mosque. Demak Sultan and Sunan Kalijaga led the development so as to enable the work to be able to take place in accordance with the plan that already disusun.Berdasarkan results of the conference of the revolving guardians of the Islam broadcasting on Friday Legi 1428 it was decided built the mosque in the sum of Gelagah Wangi, Demak, Central Java. The distribution of the work of taking place and respectively the guardian carried out the task of leading the production of mosque parts. The teacher's heritage that became the main pole the mosque support was done by the guardians. Four guardians led the production of the teacher's heritage that monumental.Sunan Kalijaga led made the teacher's heritage at the east of sea, Sunan Bonang made the teacher's heritage at the west of sea, Sunan Ampel made the teacher's heritage in south eastern and Sunan Gunungjati made the teacher's next heritage west the power. The teacher's heritage that was made by Sunan Kalijaga have the special story in the community, it seems the teacher's heritage that the height three metre with the diameter 1,45 metre not be the same long so as to need continuation. Sunan Kalijaga that was responsible made the teacher's heritage in east sea compiled the remnants of wood that was tied to one for the length of his lack so that the teacher's four heritages become equally long. The teacher's heritage that is known as the wood shavings heritage to become the legend in the community till now, according to the interior research from the wood shavings heritage like also the three heritages that lain.Masjid Agung Demak the area of his whole measured 31 X 31 square metre, the veranda measured 31 X 15 metre in a long manner the circle 35 X 2,35 metre, tatak spreading the measurement 25 X 3 metre and space bedug measured 3.5 X 2,5 metre. The building whole was supported by 128 heritages, four among them the teacher's heritage that became the main support the mosque building. The number of poles of the mosque support 50, totalling 28 veranda supports and 34 support poles tatak spreading, while the circle pole totalling 16. The mosque of Agung Demak that stood in the middle of the city pointed the area town square, was believed in by the Muslim community as the centre of the social activity and keumatan. Was based on the pattern of the development of cities in Java that was preceeded from the Dynasty Demak Bintoro, became one unity between the mosque, the palace and suggestion-means his supporter including the town square in the middle. On that basis was it was estimated second-hand the palace Demak Bintoro approximately on the south was not far from the town square region and the mosque of Agung Demak now. The mosque building that stood around 1428, often experienced the improvement and restoration. The development again the last time took place in 1987 with help of the fund from the budget of the country. At that point the development again spent the cost with a value of Rp688 million. Help also came from the member countries of the Organisation of the Islam Conference (OKI) including Saudi Arabia and countries in the Arabia Peninsula, including Turki, Malaysia and Bruneian Darussalam. OKI admitted the existence of the mosque of Agung Demak as the monument for the Muslim community that had typical architecture in accordance with the dynamics of zamannya.Masjid Agung Demak had typical architecture the Indonesian Archipelago Muslim community, distinguished with generally the mosque building in the Arabia Peninsula that used the turret. The mosque of Agung Demak used the roof compiled three had the shape of the isosceles triangle, it seems each part contained the meaning that was implied from realised forms. The roof compiled three into the omen for anyone who was faithful was begun from the level of the believer, Muslim and muhsin or faith, Islam and charity were like this his matter with five doors that connected one part and the other part, it was hoped reminded each kind of humankind would the harmonious Islam existence that five namely the confession of faith, prayers, the fast, alms and the pilgrim. While his six windows symbolised rukum faith that is trusting Allah, believed to apostle-rasulNya, believed to kitabNya, believed to malaikatNya, trusted the arrival of doomsday and qada qadar. Was like this his matter with the water reservoir that connected the exterior and the mosque, apart from being hoped for as means to mensucikan himself, also contained several omens so that the community always cleanses itself of various wastes that adhered in himself and the heart. The form of the roof building that compiled-compiled only was known in the Indonesian Archipelago island, the form of the roof compiled could be found all over the corner of the homeland from Aceh to the Moluccas. The form of the building that is generally different from the mosque in many countries, immediately was followed by forms of the contemporary mosque that did not use the turret as his characteristics. The Salman mosque the campus of the Institute of Teknologi Bandung that more often made use of the form of the line as the representation of the development of the form that was different from the form of the turret. The form of the mosque building of Agung Demak that was different from the time customs was results ijtihad, moreover as efforts to adopt local architecture that developed in his community. Was like this his matter with efforts to make use of the tropical climate that distinguished the other area in various corners of the world. The building that developed in the region covered joglo that maximised forms of the pyramid with various dynamics. The form of the building more often made use of the material from wood that often was found around it. Tropical nature that was rich in the crop enabled the community to develop the building that was made from wood so as forms of the box more were easy to be done. It was different that his matter with the structure of the building that used cement and the other mixed material, facilitated the round form with arches that were with him. The same thing was gotten in the ornament that covered the mosque, the interior in the interior made use of wood. Art carved that developed at that point by part of his community so as the mosque made use of various works carved that was typical to increase beauty of the mosque with his interior. Without reducing essence that adhered to the existence of the mosque, art carved became part of the life of the Muslim community as khaligrafi that made use of beautiful letters as the branch of knowledge that developed all over the Islam world.

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